Off I go on my blog tour again and wanted to update you on some great stuff happening out in the world of parenting and preschool blogs that I love.  And again, if you know of another blog that I should include on my monthly tour, let me know!

Over at they’ve got this cute meme each Thursday called “Dear Kid Thursday”.  The idea is that you write a blog post as a letter to your child about something that happened that week.  Such a great idea!  Check it out when you click here.

I liked the post over at about watching television and toddlers.  She gives some good tips on what to do instead of TV too, which is great.  I can’t believe how many children have their own TV in their room – wow!

My friends over at EasyToddlerMeals always have great things on the menu but this week she’s got a great recipe for Mini Meatloaf that your kids will love!  Check it out!

There’s a fun contest for those of you in the UK and EU over at the Play-Activities blog – cute prizes!

Listen to the Natural Moms Podcast where Carrie interviews Donna Batemen about your child’s brain development.  Some of the moms from my church and I have been talking about this and it’s really fascinating.

Miss Lisa over at the Bookworm Broadcast gives some tips about raising early readers.

You have until Monday to get in on the giveaway.  Click Here to check out the details.

Another great contest is going on until Wednesday over at Tips for Toddlers.  You can win a K’NEX building set – check it out HERE.

Don’t forget to stop by the Educational Toy Factory too and sign up for their newsletter.  She’s got a bunch of activities there as well.  Check out THIS post for more details.

And finally there’s Dawn over at “Because I Said So” who always has a great story to tell!  Head on over for a giggle!

That’s it for this month.  Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

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