Congratulations! You’re a mommy! Now for the next 8 or so months, you’re sweet baby is growing and changing and you’re growing and changing too! It’s such a beautiful and exciting time!

Here are five quick tips for the few months known as the first trimester.

  1. Eat! While you may be experiencing some morning (or evening or midday or all of the above) sickness, you want to try to eat well and as the saying goes, you’re eating for two! While it may seem counterintuitive, if you’ve got some pregnancy sickies happening, try to keep eating semi-constantly throughout your day. And yes, saltines and ginger ale (homemade is better than the canned stuff but do what works for you in the moment!) are find if that’s all you can stomach right now.
  2. Exercise! Again, that may be the last thing you want to do. I distinctly remember ONLY wanting to sleep during my first trimester! Take a short walk after every meal – even if it’s just down the driveway and back or a quick around the block. The fresh air will be great for your mind and body too. There are SO many prenatal exercise programs available now (and videos on YouTube and Instagram) but I would recommend this one (link) if you want the best of the best to get your body ready for birth starting now.
  3. Rest! I know, I know. I just told you to eat and exercise. But getting rest now is important too. You’re building a baby! Take some time throughout your day to climb in bed for a quick rest or nap with your feet up! Watch a movie or sleep! Then get up and take that walk!
  4. Supplement! You are building a baby so getting the full range of nutrients/minerals/vitamins that you and that baby need is a bit tough by just eating well. The two sources of prenatal vitamins that we recommend are Needed (link) and Birthright (link) (Birthright supplements sell out quickly so they may not be available when you are reading this, fyi.)
  5. Assemble! Start to build your team for the rest of your pregnancy and birth. Remember, these people are going to see you giving birth! This is a very intimate/personal time and you want the right people for the job so you can completely focus on helping your body to birth this baby. Planning to birth in a hospital? Want a birth center? Home birth? Take your time and interview several OBGYNs or Midwives to find the one that you’re most comfortable with. Ask around. Moms are always willing to share the pros and cons of a provider. A doula (I’m a fan because, well, I am one!) is a great addition to your birth team too. I’ll have more in future posts on all the benefits of hiring a doula NOW rather than waiting until it’s almost time to give birth but just trust me. If you’re going to hire a doula, do it now to really maximize the benefits.

So there you have just some basics. It’s not rocket science but sometimes in the excitement these things will get forgotten until later. We’ll have more posts soon on other tips for this exciting time and feel free to comment with questions that you’d like to see answered!

Links mentioned in this post

Needed Prenatal Vitamins
Birthright Prenatal Supplements
Body Ready Method Pregnancy Exercise Program

Live in the Northwestern Suburbs of Illinois or Southeastern Wisconsin and need a doula? Contact me (link) to see if I have availablilty or I’d be happy to suggest someone for you!