Bad hair day.  You know what I’m talking about – out of control frizzy, fly-away hair that has a mind of its own. Long hair, short hair, wavy or straight; no matter what kind of hair you have, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of frizz – especially in the wintertime when your home’s heater is running full force and drying out the air.

While hair frizz isn’t completely avoidable,  you can control everyday frizz in an easy way. If you’re looking for fabulous, frizz-free hair all day long, these tips can help.

1. Comb out your hair when it’s wet instead of using a brush In addition to being brittle, dry hair tends to stretch and break when brushed. After you shower, carefully towel-dry your hair and then use a large tooth comb to comb through the tangles.  Wait to use a brush until after your hair is dry.

2. Stop playing with your hair. The more you mess with your hair after it is dry, the more you disrupt the cuticles, causing it to frizz. So just stop it! 🙂  Easier said than done, I know!

3. Shampoo less.  Sounds strange doesn’t it, but washing your hair too often strips its natural moisturizers causing hair to look dull and flyaway. Start by washing every other day and then go down to only twice a week. Yes, it’ll drive you crazy at first, especially if you tend toward more greasy hair, but once you get through the first couple of weeks, you’ll see how much better your hair looks and feels even between washings.

4. Replace moisture. Styling products also strip hair of its natural oils so it’s important that you replace this moisture. When choosing a daily conditioner or deep conditioning treatment, select a protein-rich, natural oil brand when possible.  Natural moisturizers are great too.  Try rinsing your hair with organic apple cider vinegar.  Or give yourself a good coconut oil treatment before your next wash. You’ll be amazed!

5. Stop baking your hair! Sure, you can get great looks using a curling iron, flat-iron or blow dryer but these wreak havoc on your hair. There are many beautiful hairstyles available that don’t require daily baking. Let your hair air dry more often. And when you must blow dry, choose the cool-dry setting or use a diffuser to reduce much of the heat. In addition, only dry the roots, not the shaft or ends. This not only reduces damage but it will give your hair a natural lift.  Try this trick, flip your hair over and dry from the underside at the roots while lifting and parting the hair as you dry.

6. Pillow cases have a tendency to absorb your hair’s natural moisturizers and create. Switch to using a satin pillowcase to reduce friction and maintain moisture.

7. Use alcohol-free products. Many hair products contain alcohol which leads to dry out hair, setting the stage for frizz. The next time you purchase hair products, make sure it is alcohol-free. If you cannot find them in your local supermarket, check at a salon or beauty supply store.

8. Smooth it. There are many hair smoothing products you can buy but many are heavy or leave a residue that makes hair look dull. Instead simply add a small amount of watered down conditioner or detangling spray to the palm of your hand and gently smooth over your hair, taking extra care to get the ends.

9. Press hair, don’t scrub. When towel-drying your hair, don’t scrub your head. Instead, using a bath towel or a shammy (a very absorbent microfiber towel); gently press the hair to remove excess water.  This is a great towel turban made of the super absorbent microfiber (click))

10. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. Choose snacks such as nuts and seeds whose fatty acids keep hair beautiful and healthy looking. The benefits of this practice reach beyond your hair.

Say so long, farewell to your outdated Chia Pet look and hello to the soft, silky, luxurious hair that’s healthier too!

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