Well, I’m coming out of the closet. I really dislike what technology is doing to families. nike air max 2015 There. I said it. I love how technology has advanced for many things. I’m thankful I can ask my husband, for instance, a quick but important question over text even when he’s in the middle of a hectic day at work. Fjallraven Kanken Kids I’m glad that my daughters have a cell phone, especially for days like today when it’s blowing snow and really cold and they’re off driving somewhere. I don’t HATE technology but I do not like what it’s done to many of us. Fjallraven Kanken Cheap Most of us. Ok, maybe all of us. At least those of us in the western world. communication-2-1090898-mTake, for instance, the “Sharent” Many new terms and slang phrases come out on a daily basis, but one of the more interesting and more in-depth slang phrases around is the term “sharent.” Bascially, a “sharent” is a person (whether mom or dad) who goes around sharing tidbits, nuances, photos, and basically every single little thing that their child or baby does. soldes nike air max 2018 While being a “sharent” may fulfill the need to express the interesting, cute, adorable, and even not-so-cute things a baby or child does, it may be different from the child’s point of view or even those that are subjects of listening to it all, all the time. There are two sides to every story. While being a “sharent” may be fun and games for a new mom or dad, there may be side effects on the child as he or she grows. The Up Side of Being a “Sharent” The up side of being a “sharent” is that you will most likely find yourself surrounded by other like-minded individuals in the form of equal “sharents.” Finding a community that shares the same interests, likes, and dislikes is always a good feeling. Being a “sharent” is similar to joining a Mothers’ Club. You share nuances, photos, and stories that are similar in time and space as to what you are currently going through. Being a “sharent” is also beneficial in that it provides useful tips and advice coming your way. You can also share things that do not work for you and things that do work for you, as well. The Downside of Being a “Sharent” And then there is the dark side of being a “Sharent.” There are those who will think, feel, and believe that your being a “sharent” is offering too much information or worse yet, way too much information. Some “sharents” will take pictures of the most inappropriate things and share situations that are completely embarrassing to his or her child in the future. Embarrassing stories about thumb sucking or bed-wetting all have the possibility of being mortifying to a future young child or, worse yet, young adult. Some individuals really do not wish to hear every detail about your baby’s spit-up or toddler’s potty training efforts. Fjallraven Kanken Sale UK Moreover, your baby will one day be a young adult who will not want all these stories, no matter how cute you may think they are at the time, out and about for the whole world to see. Don’t forget that anything in cyberspace stays in cyberspace, permanently, and can appear at any given time – perhaps the worst possible time. Fjallraven Kanken Classic Sale Remember, your adorable toddler in an embarrassing situation will some day be your adult son looking for work or a wife or both.

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