Title: 5 Habits of a Woman that Doesn’t Quit Author: Nicki Koziarz Published by BHPublishingGroup.com My rating: 2.5-3 stars       My review: This book, 5 Habits of a Woman that Doesn’t Quit, is a quick and somewhat enjoyable read. Nicki’s writing style is conversational and blog like. But I have to say the book confused me. Fjallraven Kanken Big After reading the whole thing, I still don’t get how the story of Ruth “fits” the title or theme of the book. nike internationalist I love the book of Ruth. I love the beauty of Ruth’s heart as she follows Naomi faithfully, does what’s needed for them to survive, and most of all how God orchestrates it all so that she ultimately marries Boaz and becomes a women in the lineage of the Messiah. nike air max thea She wasn’t a woman who “didn’t quit”… she was a woman who knew that her mother-in-law’s people were where God was and she was going to go no matter what. So just what are these 5 habits (don’t worry – this isn’t a spoiler really.)

  1. She accepts the assignment of refinement.
  2. She follows through on a commitment despite how she feels.
  3. She stays open to the movement of God.
  4. She gives to others what she needs.
  5. She moves forward in faith.

Each chapter covers one of the five habits with Ruth’s story mixed in there and lots and lots of personal stories of how the author quit or could have quit or wanted to quit or didn’t quit… nike magista there was even an example (in my opinion) of a time when she should have quit … Fjallraven Kanken Big Sale or rather shouldn’t have committed in the first place. More confusion. nike air max 95 I’m giving it 3 stars because I think, over all, I sort of get what she’s trying to do. nike air max pas cher But I don’t know that I’d recommend it for someone who really wants to address the issue of being a perpetual quitter (or Quitzilla as the author pens it) because it doesn’t quite fit the bill there. I write this review with a bit of fear… a quick look at most retailers sites show it at 5 stars with an occasional 4 star in there. Obviously I’m missing something for there not to be a single lower star rating in the bunch? I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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