After the upheaval of a move, it’s important to take some time to settle in. Children especially may need help coping with the major changes of moving. There are some things you can do to make it easier on the whole family. Here are some suggestions.

1. Get the children’s new rooms ready first

Have a box marked with your children’s special toys, and unpack those immediately in the child’s new room. Move the big furniture in and unpack their bedding and other bedroom accoutrements first, and get the room set up right away. Then, your children can occupy themselves with some of the fun details, such as unpacking their other toys, finding places for things, and so forth. Let them decide some of the details about the room, such as where their toy box will be or what color you are going to paint the room.

2. Plan a “new house party”

Yes, it’s another thing to plan, but in the end it can help lift some of the stress. Tell the children about the party and let them help you plan it. Have a picnic among the moving boxes or out in the yard, or pick up food from their favorite restaurant. You could even pick up a cake or box of cupcakes for a celebratory treat.

3. Get to know the people who will be a part of your children’s lives

Many of us are too busy to get to know our neighbors, but it’s a necessity if you are moving to a new area with your children. Introduce your children and exchange contact information, and encourage play dates with new kids.

Your children’s teacher will be a very important influence, so visit the new school and arrange a meeting with the teacher before the first day of class. If possible, establish contact with the school and teacher before the move.

4. Keep some routines where possible

Children love routine, and nothing disrupts it quite like a move. Try to maintain some of the family habits, such as movie or board game night, and try to establish a daily routine similar to the one in your old house. Go to bed and get up at the same time as usual, and don’t try to stay up late unpacking. It also helps to prepare the same sort of foods in the same way – “comfort food” is comfortable for a reason: it’s familiar!

5. Relax and don’t be in a rush

Of course you want to be unpacked and settled as soon as possible; but slowing down and taking the time to talk, creating a calm atmosphere and establishing comfortable routines will make things easier in the long run. If your moving boxes are clearly labeled, you can unpack what you need right away and take your time with the rest.

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