Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, affects millions of people around the world. One of the most prevalent symptoms of SAD is the desire to sleep more. Here are some sleep strategies for Seasonal Affective Disorder sufferers.

SAD is a type of depression and carries with it many of the same symptoms of being depressed. These include, but are not limited to, drastic changes in eating and sleeping patterns, lack of interest in sexual relationships, being unable to function normally, as well as lack of energy and feeling down. In some cases the person with SAD cannot perform their normal day-to-day tasks, which makes it different from simple winter blues.

Doctors understand how lack of enough sunlight brings on the effects of SAD. Some recommend using light therapy to simulate the sun rising at the same time as during summer months. This may help alleviate some of the symptoms because light suppresses the melatonin hormone which causes us to want to hibernate.

Establish a routine when it comes to sleep. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day will help ensure you get enough sleep. Having a sleep routine will also maintain your body’s circadian rhythm which regulates when you’re active or asleep. Using light therapy in conjunction with regular sleep patterns may help the body reset its internal clock each day.

Be sure to use an alarm clock each day. If you have a tendency to hit the snooze button or turn the alarm off altogether, you may want to put the alarm clock across the room so you have to physically get out of bed to shut it off. Using an alarm clock will ensure you don’t get too much sleep.

Get outside every day. This will do more good than using a non-natural light box. Take a walk outside early in the morning to get the day’s first sunlight. Not only will getting outside in the morning help wake you up because of the sun’s rays, you’ll also wake up due to the crisp or cold temperatures on your face.

Try to park further away from your destination than you might normally. This will give you an opportunity to spend more time in the sunlight. It will also provide you with much-needed exercise, which can help make you feel more alive and ready to face the world. Exercising will also provide another benefit besides helping you become healthier; if you exercise later in the day, it may also make you feel physically tired which will help you have a better night’s sleep.

Many people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder and would prefer to simply sleep through the entire winter. Establishing sleep strategies for SAD sufferers may help them rise in the morning, ready to face the world rather than turning over and going back to sleep.

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