Are you looking for some good activities for young kids at home? When you work from home, you don’t want the kids watching TV or sitting in front of a video game every time you need to get some work done.

Here are some fun ideas for keeping kids busy without TV, so you can focus on what you need to do but still know your kids are well cared for.

1. Fill a Box with Special Toys. Fill a big box with some special toys then put it away out of the kids’ reach. The next time you need help keeping kids busy without TV, bring out the special box. The new toys will keep their attention so you can finish what you need to do. Remember to remove the box as soon as you’re done, so the novelty of the new playthings won’t wear off.

2. Puzzles. Puzzles are quiet activities for young kids at home to do on their own. You can find all sorts of puzzles at the toy store, or garage sales. Find pictures that will keep  your kids’ interest. Be sure the puzzles are age appropriate, so your young ones won’t get frustrated and need your help. Be sure to admire their efforts when you’re done work, or help them with a puzzle they couldn’t complete on their own.

3. Art projects – Stock up on art materials so your kids can create all kinds of creative projects while you’re busy. Let them exercise their imaginations. Some good supplies to keep on hand are colored construction paper, stick glue, pieces of felt, safety scissors, Styrofoam cups, popsicle sticks, pompoms, googly eyes, and washable markers. Let them amaze you with what they design on their own!

Check back tomorrow for some more ideas!

1 thought on “Keeping the kids busy without TV – Part 1

  1. What’s everyone doing for safety precautions for Halloween? My husband came across an article ( with some info about background checking neighbors. I thought that may be a little overboard but it had some other good suggestions for some precautions I haven’t thought about. Last year my youngest son came down with a massive fever after Halloween. I almost thought about just taking the kids to our church’s fall festival this year instead of door-to-door to prevent that from happening again. I don’t know yet. What’s your advice? Am I over-reacted or just being a concerned mom?

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